Operator Membership Form

Thank you for your interest in the Illinois Association of Meat Processors. You may submit your membership information here, but your membership will not be activated until payment is received. Please mail a check for $125 to IAMP, PO Box 25, Pearl City, IL 61062. You may also print a membership form, complete and mail with payment.

The Illinois Association of Meat Processors continues to provide excellent information to the meat processors in Illinois. Whether it is help in connecting to other processors with common issues such as grant information, Inspector issues, or connecting with suppliers, IAMP is there for us as processors and suppliers to provide information and support. As a group we will continue to provide safe and nutritious products to the public. Sign up today to enjoy the benefits of being part of a special group, a member of IAMP.

If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me at (815) 443-2492 or email

Dianne Handsaker, IAMP Executive Secretary


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Below are the service areas listed on the IAMP website. Please mark with Yes or No.

Additional Services may include any services not already listed.

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